Mental Health Counseling Pdf Free Download

To access forms, worksheets, and handouts, look for the relevant Treatments That Work or Programs That Work title below. For each title, we have listed direct links to appendices containing free, downloadable forms.

Downloadable PDFs will have a PDF icon next to them. For example:

Clicking on this will either open the PDF within a compatible browser or download it to your device. Please be sure to save the file onto your device or computer before filling it out. Filling out the form within a web browser will not save your responses.

10 Steps to Mastering Stress: A Lifestyle Approach, Updated Edition

  • Forms and Worksheets

Addressing Parental Accommodation When Treating Anxiety In Children

  • Appendix A: Family Accommodation Scale–Anxiety
  • Appendix B: Family Accommodation Scale–Anxiety (Child Report)

Assessment and Intervention with Children and Adolescents Who Misuse Fire: Practitioner Guide

  • Practitioner Forms
  • Child Forms
  • Parent Forms

The Body Project: A Dissonance-Based Eating Disorder Prevention Intervention: Facilitator Guide (2 ed.)

  • Body Project Facilitator Fact Sheet
  • Body Project Session Adherence Forms
  • Body Project Group Leader Competence Assessment
  • Project Health Facilitator Fact Sheet
  • Additional Forms and Worksheets

Buried in Treasures: Help for Compulsive Acquiring, Saving, and Hoarding (2 ed.)

  • Forms and Worksheets

Children's Health and Illness Recovery Program (CHIRP): Clinician Guide

  • Appendix C CHIRP Program Brochure
  • Appendix G Suggested Assessment Measures
  • Appendix H Conducting CHIRP in a Group Format
  • Appendix J CHIRP Outcomes Study Results
  • Appendix K CHIRP Follow-Up Study Results
  • Forms and Worksheets

Children's Health and Illness Recovery Program (CHIRP): Teen and Family Workbook

  • Forms and Worksheets

A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach to the Beginning of the End of Life: Facilitator Guide

  • Fidelity Checklists

Cognitive-Behavioral Stress Management: Workbook

  • Forms and Worksheets

Cognitive-Behavioral Stress Management for Individuals Living with HIV: Facilitator Guide

  • Forms and Worksheets

Cognitive-Behavioral Stress Management for Prostate Cancer Recovery: Facilitator Guide

  • Session Evaluation Sheets
  • Fidelity Checklists

Cognitive-Behavioral Stress Management for Prostate Cancer Recovery: Workbook

  • Additional Monitoring Worksheets
  • Forms and Worksheets

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Social Phobia in Adolescents: Stand Up, Speak Out: Therapist Guide

  • Forms and Worksheets

Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Childhood OCD: It's Only a False Alarm: Therapist Guide

  • Rating Scales
  • Forms and Worksheets

Cognitive Remediation for Psychological Disorders: Therapist Guide (2 ed.)

  • Forms and Handouts

Combined Parent-Child Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: An Approach to Empower Families At-Risk for Child Physical Abuse: Therapist Guide

  • CPC-CBT Handouts and Forms

Concurrent Treatment of PTSD and Substance Use Disorders Using Prolonged Exposure (COPE): Patient Workbook

  • Form 1 COPE Program Treatment Contract
  • Form 2 Breathing Retraining
  • Form 3 For Families and Loved Ones: What Is PTSD and How Is It Treated?
  • Form 4 For Families and Loved Ones: How Can I Help?
  • Form 5 For Families and Loved Ones: Common Reactions to Trauma
  • Form 6 Understanding Addiction
  • Form 7 10 Tips for Well-Being
  • Form 8 10 Common Reactions to Trauma
  • Form 9 Daily Record of Cravings
  • Form 10 Facts About Cravings
  • Form 11 Guidelines for Better Sleep
  • Form 12 SUDS: The Subjective Units of Distress Scale
  • Form 13 In vivo Exposure Hierarchy List
  • Form 14 Pleasant Activities Checklist
  • Form 15 Craving Thermometer
  • Form 16 Coping with Cravings
  • Form 17 Patient In vivo Exposure Data Form
  • Form 18 Patient Imaginal Exposure Data Form
  • Form 19 Personal Emergency Plan
  • Form 20 Awareness of High-Risk Thoughts
  • Form 21 The ABC Model
  • Form 22 Managing Thoughts About Using
  • Form 23 Alcohol and Drug Refusal Skills
  • Form 24 Seemingly Irrelevant Decisions (SIDs)
  • Form 25 Making Safe Decisions
  • Form 26 Anger Awareness
  • Form 27 Daily Wellness Strategies
  • Form 28 Coping with Anger
  • Form 29 Early Warning Signs
  • Form 30 My Next Steps

Concurrent Treatment of PTSD and Substance Use Disorders Using Prolonged Exposure (COPE): Therapist Guide

  • Information Gathering Form
  • Safety Agreement
  • Therapist Imaginal Exposure Recording Form
  • Certification of Completion

Coping Effectively With Spinal Cord Injuries: Therapist Guide

  •   Fidelity Checklists

Coping Effectively With Spinal Cord Injuries: Workbook

  • Appendix of Forms

Coping Power: Child Group Program: Facilitator Guide

  • Forms and Worksheets

Coping Power: Parent Group Program: Facilitator Guide

  • Forms and Worksheets

Coping Power: Parent Group Program: Workbook

  • Forms and Worksheets

Coping With Breast Cancer: Therapist Guide

  • Fidelity Checklists
  • Additional Forms and Worksheets

Coping With Breast Cancer: Workbook for Couples

  • Additional Forms and Worksheets

Coping with Chronic Illness: Therapist Guide

  • Additional Forms and Worksheets

Coping with Chronic Illness: Workbook

  • Additional Forms and Worksheets

Coping With the Seasons: Therapist Guide

  • Fidelity Checklists

Coping With the Seasons: Workbook

  • Weekly Pleasant Activities Plans
  • Thought Diaries
  • Automatic Thought Questioning Forms
  • Core Belief Worksheets
  • Forms and Worksheets

Culturally Informed Therapy for Schizophrenia: A Family-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Approach: Clinician Guide

  • Handouts
  • Forms and Worksheets

Effective Weight Loss: Clinician Guide

  • Weight and Lifestyle Inventory
  • Certificate of Completion

Effective Weight Loss: Workbook

  • Keeping Track Form
  • In-Session Weight Change Record
  • Home Weight Change Record
  • Weekly Review
  • Worksheets

Enhancing Sexuality: Therapist Guide (2 ed.)

  • Forms and Worksheets

Enhancing Sexuality: Workbook (2 ed.)

  • Forms and Worksheets

Evidence-based Child Forensic Interviewing: Interviewer Guide

  • Reminder Cards for Elementary School–Aged Children
  • Reminders Cards for Preschoolers
  • Thinking Cards for Resisting Suggestive Questions
  • Additional Forms and Worksheets

Exercise for Mood and Anxiety Disorders: Therapist Guide

  • Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology (Clinician-Rated) (QIDS-C)
  • Additional Forms and Worksheets

Exercise for Mood and Anxiety Disorders: Workbook

  • Appendix of Forms

Exposure and Response (Ritual) Prevention for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Therapist Guide (2 ed.)

  • Forms and Worksheets

Family-based Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depressed Preadolescents

  • Appendix A: Mood Thermometer
  • Appendix B: Closeness Circle
  • Appendix C: Interpersonal Inventory Sample Closeness Circle for Jessica
  • Appendix D: Parent Tips
  • Appendix E: Tween Tips
  • Appendix F: Sample Depression Circle for Jessica
  • Appendix G: Sample Wellness Circle for Jessica

Family-Based Treatment for Young Children With OCD: Therapist Guide

  • Fidelity Checklists
  • Family Accommodation and Impact Scale–Child (FAIS-C)
  • Children's Yale-Brown OC Scale (CY-BOCS) Self-Report Symptom Checklist
  • Additional Forms and Worksheets

Family-Based Treatment for Young Children With OCD: Workbook

  • Session Homework Sheets for Parent Tools
  • Reward Charts
  • Monitoring Form
  • Daily Practice Records
  • Additional Forms and Worksheets

Group Treatment for Hoarding Disorder: Therapist Guide

  • Hoarding Interview
  • Hoarding Rating Scale (HRS)
  • Saving Inventory—Revised (SI-R)
  • Clutter Image Rating (CIR)
  • Saving Cognitions Inventory (SCI)
  • Activities of Daily Living for Hoarding (ADL-H)
  • Safety Questions
  • Home Environment Index (HEI)
  • Binder Information Sheet
  • Session Schedule
  • Example of Completed Group Session Form
  • Group Session Form
  • Confidentiality Contract
  • Clinician's Group Progress Notes
  • General Conceptual Model of Hoarding
  • Brief Thought Record
  • Clutter Visualization Form
  • Unclutter Visualization Form
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Change Worksheet
  • Acquiring Form
  • Acquiring Visualization Form
  • Thought Listing Exercise Form
  • Behavioral Experiment Form
  • Thought Record
  • Non-Acquiring Help Card
  • Practice Form
  • Personal Worksheet for Managing Barriers
  • Family Response to Hoarding Scale (FRHS)
  • Weekly Schedule Worksheet
  • Certificate of Completion

Help for Adolescent Males with Sexual Behavior Problems: Therapist Guide

  • Appendix: Supplementary Materials

Help for Adolescent Males with Sexual Behavior Problems: Workbook

  • Forms and Worksheets

Helping Families Manage Childhood OCD: Therapist Guide

  • Child Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Impact Scale-Revised (COIS-RC)
  • Handouts and Tools

Helping Parents With Challenging Children: Facilitator Guide

  • Fidelity Checklists

Helping Parents With Challenging Children: Parent Workbook

  • Forms and Worksheets

Helping School Refusing Children and Their Parents

  • Forms and Worksheets

Hypnosis for Chronic Pain Management: Therapist Guide

  • Pain Evaluation Form
  • Self-Report Measures Assessing Pain, Pain-Related Beliefs and Coping, and Clinical Success
  • Additional Inductions and Suggestions that May Be Helpful for Individuals with Chronic Pain

Hypnosis for Chronic Pain Management: Workbook

  • Forms and Worksheets

It's Only a False Alarm: Workbook

  • Forms and Worksheets

Managing Bipolar Disorder: Therapist Guide

  • Appendix of Forms

Managing Bipolar Disorder: Workbook

  • Appendix of Forms

Managing Chronic Pain: Therapist Guide

  • Pain Interview
  • Additional Forms and Worksheets

Managing Chronic Pain: Workbook

  • Forms and Worksheets

Managing Microaggressions: Addressing Everyday Racism in Therapeutic Spaces

  • Appendix A: Demographics Questionnaire (USA)
  • Appendix B: Demographics Questionnaire (Canada)
  • Resources

Managing Social Anxiety: Therapist Guide (2 ed.)

  • Forms and Worksheets
  • Session Outlines

Managing Social Anxiety: Workbook (2 ed.)

  • Forms and Worksheets

Managing Social Anxiety: Therapist Guide (3 ed.)

  • Appendix A: Assessment of Social Anxiety Disorder
  • Assessment Measures

Managing Social Anxiety: Workbook (3 ed.)

  • Appendix A: Self-Assessment Answers
  • Forms and Worksheets

Managing Tourette Syndrome: Adult Workbook

  • Appendix of Forms

Managing Tourette Syndrome: Parent Workbook

  • Appendix of Forms

Managing Tourette Syndrome: Therapist Guide

  • Forms and Worksheets

Managing Your Substance Use Disorder: Client Workbook (3 ed.)

  • Forms and Worksheets

Mastering Your Adult ADHD: Therapist Guide (1 ed.)

  • Forms and Worksheets

Mastering Your Adult ADHD: Therapist Guide (2 ed.)

  • Forms and Worksheets

Mastering Your Adult ADHD: Workbook (1 ed.)

  • Forms and Worksheets

Mastering Your Adult ADHD: Workbook (2 ed.)

  • Forms and Worksheets

Mastering Your Fears and Phobias: Workbook (2 ed.)

  • Forms and Worksheets
  • Examples of Completed Monitoring Forms

Mastery of Anxiety and Panic for Adolescents: Therapist Guide

  • Appendix A: Panic Disorder Severity Scale for Adolescents
  • Parent Handout #1: Parenting Anxious Youth 101
  • Parent Handout #2: Behavioral Principles for Parenting Anxious Youth
  • Parent Handout #3: Parenting Anxious Teens
  • Parent Handout #4: What To Do (and Not To Do) in the Face of Panic
  • Parent Handout #5: You and Your Less Anxious Teen
  • Forms and Worksheets

Mastery of Your Anxiety and Panic: Workbook (4 ed.)

  •  Forms and Worksheets

Mastery of Your Anxiety and Panic: Workbook for Primary Care Settings

  • Forms and Worksheets

Mastery of Your Anxiety and Worry: Workbook (2 ed.)

  • Additional Forms and Worksheets

Minding the Body: Workbook

  • Additional Forms and Worksheets

Overcoming ADHD in Adolescence: A Cognitive Behavioral Approach: Therapist Guide

  • Forms and Worksheets

Overcoming ADHD in Adolescence: A Cognitive Behavioral Approach: Client Workbook

  • Forms and Worksheets

Overcoming Alcohol Problems: A Couples-Focused Program: Therapist Guide

  • Drinking Patterns Questionnaire
  • Additional Forms and Worksheets

Overcoming Alcohol Problems: Workbook for Couples

  • Appendix of Forms
  • Client Self-Monitoring Cards
  • Partner Recording Cards

Overcoming Alcohol Use Problems: Therapist Guide

  • Drinking Patterns Questionnaire
  • Additional Forms and Worksheets

Overcoming Alcohol Use Problems: Workbook

  •  Appendix of Forms

Overcoming Depression: Therapist Guide

  • Appendix of Forms

Overcoming Depression: Workbook (2 ed.)

  • Appendix of Forms

Overcoming Impulse Control Problems: Workbook

  • Appendix of Forms

Overcoming Insomnia: Therapist Guide (2 ed.)

  • Sleep History Questionnaire
  • Daytime Insomnia Symptom Response Scale (DISRS)

Overcoming Insomnia: Workbook (2 ed.)

  • Appendix: Forms and Worksheets

Overcoming Insomnia: Therapist Guide (1 ed.)

  • Appendix

Overcoming Insomnia: Workbook (1 ed.)

  • Forms and Worksheets

Overcoming the Trauma of Your Motor Vehicle Accident: Therapist Guide

  •  Forms and Worksheets

Overcoming the Trauma of Your Motor Vehicle Accident: Workbook

  •  Forms and Worksheets

Overcoming Your Alcohol or Drug Problem: Workbook (2 ed.)

  • Forms and Worksheets

Overcoming Your Eating Disorder: Guided Self-Help Workbook

  • Forms and Worksheets

Overcoming Your Eating Disorder: Workbook (2 ed.)

  • Forms and Worksheets

Overcoming Pathological Gambling: Therapist Guide

  • Diagnostic Interview on Pathological Gambling

Overcoming Your Pathological Gambling: Workbook

  • Forms and Worksheets

Parent Training for Disruptive Behavior: The RUBI Autism Network, Clinician Manual

  • Forms and Worksheets
  • RUBI Videos
  • Supplemental Sessions

Parent Training for Disruptive Behavior: The RUBI Autism Network, Parent Workbook

  • Forms and Worksheets
  • RUBI Videos
  • Supplemental Sessions

Personalized Exposure Therapy: A Person-Centered Transdiagnostic Approach

  • Forms & Worksheets

Positive Psychotherapy, Clinician Manual

  • Relaxation & Mindfulness Practices
  • Gratitude Journal
  • Positive Psychotherapy Inventory
  • Building Your Strengths
  • Appendix of Positive Clinical Psychology Resources
  • Forms & Worksheets

Positive Psychotherapy, Workbook

  • Relaxation & Mindfulness Practices
  • Gratitude Journal
  • Positive Psychotherapy Inventory
  • Building Your Strengths
  • Appendix of Positive Clinical Psychology Resources
  • Forms & Worksheets

Preparing for Weight Loss Surgery: Workbook

  • Forms and Worksheets

Preventing Adolescent Depression: Interpersonal Psychotherapy-Adolescent Skills Training

  • Appendix

Prolonged Exposure Therapy for PTSD: Emotional Processing of Traumatic Experiences: Therapist Guide (1 ed.)

  • Appendix A: Trauma Interview
  • Appendix B: In Vivo Exposure Hierarchy
  • Additional Handouts

Prolonged Exposure Therapy for PTSD: Emotional Processing of Traumatic Experiences: Therapist Guide (2 ed.)

  • Appendix A: Trauma Interview
  • Appendix B: In Vivo Exposure Hierarchy
  • Therapist Imaginal Exposure Recording Form
  • Prolonged Exposure Treatment Session Checklists

Prolonged Exposure for PTSD in Intensive Outpatient Programs (PE-IOP): Therapist Guide

  • Appendix A Therapist and Patient Handouts
  • Appendix B PE-IOP Session Checklists
  • Forms and Worksheets

Prolonged Exposure Therapy for PTSD: Teen Workbook

  • Forms and Worksheets

Prolonged Exposure Therapy for Adolescents with PTSD: Therapist Guide

  • Parent Handouts
  • Additional Materials: Stories and Cards
  • Forms and Worksheets

Psychodynamic Therapy Techniques

  • Psychodynamic Therapy Manuals and Models

RAINBOW: A Child- and Family-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for Pediatric Bipolar Disorder, Clinician Guide

  • Forms and Worksheets

Reclaiming Your Life from a Traumatic Experience: A Prolonged Exposure Treatment Program: Workbook (1 ed.)

  • Forms and Worksheets

Reclaiming Your Life from a Traumatic Experience: A Prolonged Exposure Treatment Program: Workbook (2 ed.)

  • Forms and Worksheets

Riding the Wave: Workbook

  • Forms

Self-System Therapy for Depression: Therapist Guide

  • Forms and Worksheets

Self-System Therapy for Depression: Client Workbook

  • Forms and Worksheets

Sexual Obsessions in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Step-by-Step, Definitive Guide to Understanding, Diagnosis, and Treatment

  • Appendix A: Materials for Clients
  • Appendix B: Measures
  • Appendix C: Session Notes

Smoking Cessation with Weight Gain Prevention: Facilitator Guide

  • Forms and Worksheets

Smoking Cessation with Weight Gain Prevention: Workbook

  • Forms and Worksheets

Stand Up, Speak Out: Client Workbook

  • Forms and Worksheets

The Stress and Mood Management Program for Individuals With Multiple Sclerosis: Workbook

  • Appendix of Forms

Stopping Anxiety Medication: Therapist Guide (2 ed.)

  •  Forms and Worksheets

Stopping Anxiety Medication: Workbook (2 ed.)

  • Forms and Worksheets

Supporting Caregivers of Children with ADHD: An Integrated Parenting Program: Therapist Guide

  • Client Materials
  • Therapist Outlines
  • Forms and Worksheets

Taking Control of Your Seizures: Workbook

  • Forms and Worksheets

Treating Impulse Control Disorders: Therapist Guide

  • Forms and Worksheets

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